Sunday, February 04, 2007

Another Red Herring: Minimum Wage

American workers rejoice! The Federal Minimum Wage has been increased for the first time since 1996 (passed by the House of Representatives at this point).

In that same time-frame, corporate CEO pay has sky-rocketed, while many American workers have seen their wages drop, sometimes dramatically.

Minimum wage is a red herring, a diversion from the truth. Lawmakers can say that they are doing something, when in fact they are doing nothing at all. Liberty and McJobs for all, at minimum wage. Thank you Congress.

And let’s forget for a minute that some employers of illegal aliens don’t even pay minimum wage. They have illegal workers, so why worry about minimum wage laws?

While the major corporate and political powers profess to believe in "Capitalism", they truly only believe in manipulating it to their own advantage. Capitalism only works to the advantage of all when there is COMPETITION. They do everything they can to avoid competition. They don’t want to compete in the marketplace, and they don’t want to compete for your labor.

Notice the halleluiahs every time there is a corporate merger, which means less competition, and probably the formation of an Oligopoly. Who benefits from that? Not the employees. Not the consumers. Not the common shareholders. Only the top executives and the Wall Street financial and legal entities that charge (skim) millions of dollars during these mergers.

Once again last week, an American Oil company has posted historic, record profits. The Emperor has no clothes, and the American people and the US Government pretend that no illegal collusion is occurring, while oil company executives prance around in their naked greed and profits.

In terms of individual workers, employers don't want to compete for your labor. They want to hold the monopoly of jobs.

This is simple supply and demand. Increase the labor pool, and they don't have to compete for employees. They lower the wages for all (except those at the top).

And how do they increase the labor pool?

There are two major ways: rampant illegal and legal immigration, and by decreasing the number of US jobs via outsourcing and sending industries out of the US.

Both of these techniques have been put to great use in the past several decades, and they have been fully supported by the government and both political Parties. The result is an ever increasing labor pool, and stagnant and lowering wages in the US.

Its simple economics: goods and services, labor and jobs, manipulated by the few for their own advantage. Its faux Capitalism, with competition removed from the equation.


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