Sunday, April 23, 2006

Better than Slaves

President Bush, Bill Gates and friends are at it again…their “cure” for outsourcing and importation of cheap high-tech labor in the U.S. is education. In the purest sense, education, learning and enlightenment are always a good thing. But for the average college freshman deciding upon a major, the job prospects after achieving that major are the primary concern. And as much as education is a great thing, reality is even more important.

The truth is this: college freshman are more than aware of the rush for cheap labor, and the greed that permeates the current corporate leaders and their political allies. They know that a degree in math or science will land them in a dead-end, where Bill Gates will always be trying to replace them with someone who will work for less pay, and probably someone with a constant fear of visa retribution, or deportation. The slave owners of the past could never hope for a less expensive or more obedient workforce. Slaves required food, housing, and health care. The low-cost laborers of the modern one-world economy come much cheaper…


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